Thursday, September 8, 2011

Ready for Fall?

I know that the East Coast is ready for fall, but the Pacific Northwest is just now starting summer!  The temps are finally kinda hot and there is not a cloud in the sky on most days.  I have  been playing outdoors after work, either watering plants or riding our bikes to enjoy the gorgeous weather while it last!  I had to take a picture Heather because she insisted wearing a helmet when we went riding on Tuesday and in typical Heather fashion, she complained about wearing it the whole time…hhahaa…oh Heather!


Back to the main reason for this post….I may not be ready for Fall weather, but  I am ready for fall fashion!  I love layering light sweaters/cardigans and I love boots!  I have been spending a lot of time browsing admiring all the great outfits that people have put together.  You can create what they call a set…where you can piece a whole outfits together including a purse and accessories.  It is a very addicting and time consuming site and really is just a place for me to go and dream because some of the items are so far out of my price range.  Doug would kill me if I came home with shoes over $500!  The best thing about the site is it tells you where every piece comes from and the price and can even take you directly to the site where you can purchase it.  Here are some of my favorite boards…

Very basic and neutral…

Love the plain but simple jewelry…

I think I have most of these items to pull this look off…

Love the color of this top…

Coral is my favorite color this fall…

I have these boots and I want this jacket, not so sure about everything else…

The first board that I created!  I love the jacket, but out of my price range :(…

I need me some toms…

Another pop of color…

Have the boots and want the papaya colored shirt…

So as you can see I am loving Boots, Cardigans, Scarves and adding a little pop of color when I can.  I am ready to go shopping and see what I can find.  I think I might even go to Target at lunch….

1 comment:

  1. I love all the clothes you picked. Does that site tell u where u can get those clothes?


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