Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Where did the time go?

I might not have been keeping up with the blog, but I have been keeping up with Madigan's weekly pics.

Week 13

Week 14

Week 15

Week 16

Week 17

I missed posting her 3 months pics. So here they are...

This past weekend Madigan turned 4 months old! Where is the time going? She is a busy little girl that loves playing on her play mat. She smiles at everyone that walks by. She is a super healthy little girl! She weighs 15 lbs 10oz in the 85th %tile and 24 1/2 inches long in the 58th %tile. She sleeps most of the night only waking up around 4 to eat and then she goes right back to sleep until 7.

We spent the last week at the beach. This little girl loves swimming in the pool.

YouTube Video

I still have been passing the time at home by decorating and organizing the house. Most of my days fly by.

Some days I feel like I spend most of my day getting Madigan to sleep. She isn't the best nap taker. She sleeps for about thirty minutes at a time. Then I come in and have to rock her back to sleep. Sometimes I finally get her back to sleep only to have to wake her up a little later to feed her. Oh the problems of a stay at home mom. ;)

Hopefully I can get back on the blogging train and keep this thing up to date.

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