Wednesday, April 29, 2009

So Lucky

How did I ever get so lucky?!?!?!
I am the luckiest girl in the world...My husband is the best guy ever and he is all mine...
Back up ladies...he is all mine!!!! ;)

Monday, April 27, 2009

And We Are Done ! ! !

I really wanted to redo both of the other bathrooms in our house and with Doug's intern year coming to a close I knew that there was no time like the present to get started. Doug was a little uneasy to begin knowing that Charlie and Julie would be coming to visit in a month and we would have to be done with the bathroom that they would use by then. I knew that if we had a deadline then we could surely meet it. Well, we met our goal by far. We have completed both bathrooms and love the way they turned out! It is really hard to match tile, paint, and counter tops together, but I believe we picked just the right combinations for both bathrooms.

Without further adieu, here are some before and after shots...

The downstairs bathroom...

This picture is for my mom...I made this arrangement and I think that it needs a little tweaking from you. It won't be complete until the next time you visit...please come back soon!

The upstairs bathroom...

We have been very busy these past two weekends...we are glad to be finished with all the remodeling. We hope that next weekend we can spend it outside in the yard...I see some beautiful flowers in our future!
I hope everyone has a great week!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Thank Goodness...

these past three weeks are over! I am exhausted and excited about the three day weekend I have in front of me.

Yesterday was my last day at Bright Now Dental and it felt like the last day of school before summer. I totally did not want to be there. I was counting down the hours and the patients until my day was over with. I am going to miss the people that I worked with, but I am not going to miss the insanity.

I love working at my new office. It is so laid back and easy going. I don't know why, but the patients seem to be nicer and have cleaner mouths...not sure how that happens since I am only right down the street from my old job. I am finally at an office that I can wear cute scrubs. I ordered a whole weeks worth and I am excited to wear them! They are all cute and springy.

On Wednesday of this week Doug only had to work a half day and then everyone was going to play golf, well Doug had told me that he was probably not going to go with them. When I get off work I tried calling him and got no answer. I thought maybe he was at home asleep and wasn't answering. When I come home there is no Doug, just his path of destruction. There is an empty beer bottle on the counter just above the trash can...(side note...why, why, why can he not put trash in the trashcan or dishes in the sink?!?!?! He always sets trash on the counter...I mean he has made it that far with it, why can't he just open up the door and put it in the trash...I am probably going to be dealing with this for the rest of my life...end of side note)..., I can follow his next move by where he took off his uniform because it is left in the floor right where he removed each piece, and then his next stop must have been the bathroom because his pooped was left in the toilet. After I gag for a minute I attempted to flush it and realize why it was left in the toilet. The boy had left the toilet stopped up! At this point I am so frustrated with him and praying that he was out getting a plunger not playing golf! After about 45 minutes of being home he calls and said he was playing golf and for me to come and meet him at Hooters. At Hooters his exciting day continued. It was Wingo night and of course Doug won a game. He had to participate, along with all the other winners from that night, in a cake eating contest and he won. He won a $50 gift card to return to Hooters. YEAH...we get to go back! ;)

This weekend we are going to get started on redoing the other two bathrooms in the house. I am so excited to get started this morning but Doug is still asleep. The goal for today is to tile them both. I have already painted the cabinet black in the upstairs bathroom and I am happy with how it turned out.
The bathroom before...
Doug tearing out the baseboards...
Here is the cabinet with only the drawers painted...I was making sure that I wanted to paint is black. These drawers came from the cabinet that we took out of our bathroom. (Sorry the toilet seat is up in this pic)
The really close to finished product...
We hope everyone had a great Easter. We missed being with family, but we survived another holiday alone. I sent Doug on a scavenger hunt through the house to find his Easter basket. This year it was easy clues, next year I will make them harder!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

What A Week...

Thank goodness the job hunt is finally over. After searching the web and dropping off resume all over I have finally found the perfect (at the moment) job. I did a working interview this week at an office that is located right down the street from the office that I work at now. I am talking so close that if I step outside I could throw a rock and hit it. I worked there on Wednesday and Thursday of this week and I am so glad that they offered me the position. I will be working Tuesday - Friday from 8 to 5, which is way better than working Monday, Friday, and Saturday from 8-7 (the days and hours that I would be working if I stayed at my current job). I am making the same pay with better hours and less patients. I see a total of 18 patients a day at my current job and my hands are about to fall off. I will only see at the most 8 patients a day at my new office and I am so glad! My hands and wrists can only take so much and I feel that they have gone through a lot already. From working my high school years at Bruster's scooping ice cream to working through college at Chili's carrying huge heavy trays, my hands and wrists have been through a lot...needless to say I am glad that I married a Doctor that is going to let me cut back on hygiene to raise babies after he gets out of residency! ;)

Last week I worked a total of 55 hours, which is a huge difference from my usual 30 hours a week. I worked on my off days doing my working interview and since I gave my two weeks notice on Friday I will have to do the same thing for the next two weeks. I will be working at both offices since my new office wanted me to start asap. I know Doug works way more than 55 hours a week, but he knew that going into medical school...I on the other hand thought that being a hygienist meant only working 4 days at the most and enjoying 3 day weekends. :)

Doug lucked out this weekend and had the whole weekend off! It was beautiful here and it is forecasted to continue through the first part of the week. I am so glad to see some blue skies with the temperature in the high 60's! So of course we spent our gorgeous Sunday skiing at Crystal Mountain! We had an awesome time. It was so pretty and warm we were loosing layers of clothing with every run that we made down the mountain. Some friends from Madigan joined us and I am glad that we could end this ski season with great friends, wonderful weather, and perfect snow!

One of these pics might be this year's Christmas can see Mt. Ranier in the background!

I love riding the slopes with people we know...

Time to start another busy week...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

We went Clammin'

While living in the Pacific Northwest Doug and I want to take in all that it has to offer. One of my patients told me about clamming. There are set dates with set beaches that everyone, young and old storm at low tide. We set off bright and early on Sunday morning for the pacific coast with a couple of friends that we "talked into" going with us. We all were clamming virgins and didn't have a clue what we were doing. I had done a little research online and was probably the most informed of us all and with that said we were doomed from the beginning :). We stopped on the way and bought a license so we would be legit clammers. On the way we also stopped to find a clam gun. My research told me a clam gun was the must have clam digging device. The unbelievable happened...everyone was all sold out of clam guns. We had to settle for a clamming shovel. I had also been informed by a patient that natives laugh at people with shovels. After about a 2 hour car ride we had finally arrived at Copalis Beach. We pulled onto the beach to find a line of cars stretched for miles and miles down the beach with probably 4 people per car clamming on the shore! We all took a mad dash out of the car.

Not really sure why we ran, I guess we were afraid that if we didn't hurry up they would all be gone. We didn't know what we were looking for much less what we were going to do with them when we caught'em. Everyone around us were digging up clams left and right and we were just banging our shovel on the sand hoping that one would pop up.
Finally we asked some veteran clammers what to look for and they were kind enough to let us use their clam gun and educated us on how to find the clams. The clams leave a little indention on the surface of the sand when they start to dig deeper into the sand, hence why you bang your shovel on the sand to get them to move. This helps you locate where to start digging. Once we knew what to look for we started to collect our limit of clams and had a total of 30 clams when we had to close up shop at noon.
It took us about 2 hours to clean them when we got done. After all that work we didn't even like our fried clams.
We are going to try to make clam chowder with the rest of the them...hopefully we will like that a little better.