Monday, June 29, 2009

Summer Time

It has been a long time since I last blogged, but not too much has been happening out here in the Pacific Northwest. Summer is the best thing about living out here. It is not a scorching heat and it is not is just right. The days are warm and the nights are cool...perfect for staying out all day and night.

We had a great time when Frank came to visit. We hung out and showed him a little of our little town of DuPont.

Frank even went with us to help us pick out our new addition to our little family...a goldendoodle that we have decided to name Wrecks. We pick him up on July 6th and are so excited to get him. We have the house all puppy proofed and everything that he needs is all set up. We can't wait!!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

One Down, Four More To Go!!!

It is hard to believe that we have been married for a year, have been living in WA for a year, and Doug is graduating from his intern year tomorrow. I am so proud of him and all his hard work. He is little nervous about starting his 2nd year and all the responsibility that goes along with it, but I know that he will do just fine.

We had a great visit from Ellen this past weekend, even though Doug was on call. We had fun hanging out at the hospital and we played games to pass the time. We plan to make an appearance in GA around Christmas time.....hopefully!!!

We look forward to our next guest arriving next weekend. We haven't seen Frank in over a year and I know that I am going to be stuck right in the middle of all the shenanigans that they are going to get us in.

I believe that this picture was taken the last time that we saw Frank.

And some pictures from the past...
Can't wait for you to get here Frank!!!