Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I Love a Good Invitation


And I love finding the perfect wording to go on the inside.

She’s made the plans and ordered the cake,
She’s anxious for the vows they'll make.
Help pass the time and shorten the wait
A shower is planned and here is the date...

We were searching online for the right invitation to Heather’s Bridal Shower.  We needed about 75 invitations and we didn’t want to spend an arm and leg on them.  Everything that we were finding were about a $1 a piece…after doing the math we decided to head to Michael’s and see what we could find there.  We came across these invitations and thought that they were perfect and the price made us even more eager to put them in our shopping cart.  We bought two packs (100 invitations) of these invitation for a grand total of $16.00.  We found the wording online and printed these babies out.  


For Heather’s Bachelorette party invites we got a little more creative.  We saw the idea of making the invitation into a corset on pinterest.  We picked up some paper and envelopes at Michael’s and made these fabulous invitations.


Heather requested that the colors for her Bachelorette party be pink and zebra, so we did as we were told by the Bridezilla, and made the invitation pink and zebra.  We used pieces of black and pink cardstock to make the invitation.  We sprayed the black with pink glitter spray paint to give it a more glitzy feel.

It's time for us girls to mix and mingle
These are Heather’s last few weeks of being single
Time is ticking and the bells will soon chime
Let's get crazy while there is still time!

Bachelorette Party & Lingerie Shower


Heather Birge


Leaving Olympia at 11A.M.

For Portland

Pack your black cocktail dress and dancing shoes

so we can hit the town before Heather says her final

“I DO”!

Inside the corset we put Heather’s lingerie info for the guest to know what size to get her.


I love the fact that they actually lace up!


I’m super excited about Heather’s Bachelorette weekend!

Heather’s Bridal Shower

In August Heather’s wedding festivities begin with her Bridal Shower.  The Bridesmaid’s came together and threw am awesome shower.  The Maid of Honor won through a raffle the use of this amazing garden in Olympia called Albee’s.  It was such an awesome venue that provided so much and made throwing this shower super easy!


Heather has a total of 9 bridesmaids.  We divided up the different dishes that we needed between all of us.  Most of the girls brought desserts for the dessert table.  They all looked yummy!


When we purchased the invitations at Michael's we didn’t realize that they were actually wedding invitations that came with RSVP cards.  We decided to turn them into recipe cards for guest to write their favorite dishes down on to give to Heather.  Heather needs a little help in the cooking department and these recipes should get her started on the right foot.  We put them in a cute little binder that says, “Heather’s Kitchen” on the cover.


Each Bridesmaid was in charge of decorating a table with flowers and a framed picture of them with Heather.  Everyone had beautiful flowers and all the tables looked fabulous.


All the food was delish and the weather was perfect.


I covered these card board letters that I purchased from Joann’s Fabric with yarn.  I saw this idea on pinterest and loved the idea to make their Monogram.


The garden grounds were breathtaking.  Beautiful flowers and hanging baskets were everywhere.


All of the Bridesmaids/shower planners with the Bride!


I hope Heather enjoyed her shower.  I am so excited to be sharing her special day with her.