After leaving the birthing suite in the hospital we made our way down to where we spent the next two nights. We had so many different nurses while we were in the hospital and they were all amazing! They were all so willing to help with any questions that we had and they taught us so much about caring for the little munchkin that they were going to let us leave with.
While being pregnant I never really feared or worried about labor and delivery because I knew that it would be hard but it would eventually be over with. What I feared most was breast feeding! I have heard so many horror stories of sore, cracked, bleeding nipples that had scared the crap out of me. We attended a breast feeding class that was great, but still left me feeling unprepared. I’m so glad that Doug was so on board with breast feeding because if it wasn’t for him I would have given up after the first try. Breast feeding is HARD!!! Doug pretty much did everything during the first few feedings, I just held her. We had to try different things to wake her up to feed and then just to keep her awake during feeding was even a challenge. Once she would stay awake to feed we had to get her latched on correctly so she wouldn’t rip my nipple off. Breast feeding is not for everyone, but I am glad that we have stuck it out and have successfully made it through that first week with nipples still attached!
Heading home from the hospital…
We were discharged from the hospital on Saturday and I have been sleep deprived ever since! Change diaper, Eat, Burp, Change diaper again(this little girl is a pooping machine), Sleep….this has been my routine for the last week and I wouldn't change a thing. Doug has been such a big help! He jumps right in to help with anything I need and is the king of swaddling!
She lost 4oz while in the hospital and at her checkup on Monday she has gained 1 of those back! We go back when she is two weeks old and I can’t wait to see how much she has grown!
I have been an emotional disaster. I cry at the drop of the hat. I just look at Madigan and bust into tears because she is so precious and I can’t believe she is ours.
This has been a tough week figuring this new little being out! But my motto over the next few years maybe even 18 years is…this is just a phase, enjoy the ride!