Total weight gain?: 5lbs
*How big is baby?: 6 inches and 10.5 ounces!
*Sleep: I slept like a baby last week!!! I hope this trend continues!
Sex: It is a G-I-R-L-!!!
*Maternity clothes:Yes…this bump is getting too big for my regular clothes.
*Showing yet?: The bump is starting to rear its head…Finally!!!
*Stretch marks: Not yet…but still rubbing on the oil.
*Movement: She is kicking up a storm! I feel her more at night. I hope this isn’t a sign of what is to come. I hope she gets her days and nights figured out soon!
*Food cravings: Nothing super crazy.
*Labor signs: None…thank goodness. This baby needs to cook another 20 weeks.
*Belly button in or out: In.
*Wedding ring on or off: on.
*Worst pregnancy symptom of the week: Lower back pain! I think this symptom is here to stay.
*What I miss: Nothing much this week!
*What I'm looking forward to: I am really looking forward to finding out where we are moving to this summer. Hopefully we find out at the end of this month. I can’t believe that it is February all ready!
*Best Moment of the Week: Having everyone over for the Super Bowl Party/Gender Reveal Party. We had a packed house! It was great seeing everyone.
Most people showed up at the beginning of the game. Doug was in charge of the Super Bowl Square pool. We sold the squares for a dollar a piece and the board was full before the end of the 1st quarter. Neither Doug or I picked winning squares…oh well, there is always next year. Doug did such a great job making the poster board for the game!

At halftime we did the big reveal. I read the list of old wives tells below and when I was done everyone either picked a pink or blue balloon. The correct one would blow up and the wrong one had a hole in it. It stinks that I didn’t get any good pictures of people blowing up their balloons.
1.” Legends say that if you are having a little girl, she'll steal your beauty. So, if you've got acne and other not-so-pretty skin blemishes, you've got a little princess coming your way.” I have been having way more break outs then I have had in the past.
2. “Dry hands and cold feet are signs of a boy. So, if you've got these ailments, break out the baby blue.” No cold feet or dry hands for me.
3. We did the ring test where you take off your wedding ring, tie it to a piece of string, and hang it over your belly. If it swings in a circle, you are promised a boy; back and forth indicates a girl. My ring swung back and forth meaning it’s a girl.
4. We did an experiment using baking soda and my pee. If the mixture fizzles, it's a boy. If it doesn't, you've got yourself a girl! Mine fizzled.
5. “Your baby's heart rate might be an indicator of its gender. If your little one's heart rate is under 140 beats per minute, you're having a little boy. If it's over, get ready for your little girl!” Ours has been over 150 at every visit.
6. “Craving sweets? According to some, that means you’re going to have a little girl. Salty and sour cravings indicate a boy.“ The only craving that I have had is Orange Juice.
7. Chinese gender calendar says boy.
8. “The Mayans used a similar method. They looked at your age at conception and the year your baby was conceived. If both are even or odd, it's a girl. If one is even and one is odd, oh baby — it's a boy!” I was 27 when the baby was conceived in 2012, so according to the Mayans it is a boy.
9. “If you're stricken with a queasy stomach during your first trimester, think ribbons and bows. If you sail through your pregnancy with barely an upset stomach, it's blue all the way.” No morning sickness for me.
10. This one is for you to decide. If I am carrying low that means it is a boy. If I am carrying high that means it is a girl. (I think that I am carrying pretty low…but maybe she will rise up soon.)
I did manage to take some pictures of the party décor.

Oh and my Birthday was this past weekend too! Doug surprised me with some beautiful tulips and a super sweet card that brought tears to my eyes. I am so in love with him and this little girl is super lucky to have him as her daddy!

Week 20: Baby is the size of a Banana.