Tuesday, May 1, 2012

1 Week in Paradise

*Caution: Picture overload ahead!*

Towards the end of February we met up with our best friends, Charlie and Julie in Cancun to celebrate theirs and Doug’s 30th Birthday!  We have been talking about this trip forever and we were all super excited when the week finally arrived!  I will try to do a day by day recap.

Day 1 – We arrived late Saturday night.  We met Charlie and Julie at the pool bar where they were already good friends with the bartender!  We had some “celebratory, finally together again drinks, some throwing people in the pool excitement, and some because we are in Mexico tequila shots”!  We went to dinner at the Italian restaurant at the resort.  It was Charlie’s actual Birthday so we sung him happy birthday and he ate a piece of cake that somehow ended up all on his face.  After dinner we went to the rooftop bar that had a pretty cool view with some really comfy loungy bed things that we almost feel asleep on.  We decided to call it a night since we were all tired from our day of traveling.


Day 2 – We spent the majority of the day laying by the pool soaking up the sun.  Everyone lathered up in sunscreen and no one got burnt the whole week!  Before we got ready for dinner we took some group balcony shots and headed to the inside bar/lounge to have some drinks and play cards.  We ate dinner at the Chinese restaurant at the resort.  All of the walls of the restaurant had vines covering them.  It made me feel like we were having dinner in the rainforest.






Day 3 – Another fun day hanging out by the pool and on the beach. 



We took a stroll through the hotel zone part of Cancun.  Did  a little bit of shopping.  Found Julie the perfect bathing suit!  Had some $90 drinks and chips and salsa! :/  Then made our way back to the hotel to get ready to go out to Coco Bongo!


Before we got ready we had some pre game shots and met Charlie’s “in 25 years” twin.



We had a blast dancing the night away at Coco Bongo, a club and disco bar.  The club has dancers on stage putting on a show to classic songs by people like Madonna and Michael Jackson and today pop hits.  Here is a video that I took from inside.

The boys had fun acting like our bouncers.  They stood in between two tables and did not let people through mine and Julie’s “dancing space”.   I think they scared a few people screaming at them in their deep voices telling them to “GO AROUND”!


In between the dancers/songs they would pick people out of the crowd to dance on stage.  Julie and I got picked to go up!  We had so much fun!  This is me with my serious dance face on …hahahaha!


Day 4 - was spent laying by the pool and letting our dancing feet recover!  Doug had a little self portrait time on the balcony…He is such a stud!


We took a walk down the beach.


We all participated in a belly flop contest.  Julie’s was the best…


We did some “yoga poses”…


Charlie and Julie spelt out O-H-I-O….


Then we found Charlie’s “in 25 years” twin and all his Harley Davidson buddies…


That night we went on a party booze cruise…


My serious dance face again…


Love this group shot…


After the cruise we continued the party at Senor Frogs.


Day 5 - was another day at the beach.  We played volleyball, played in the ocean, and enjoyed doing nothing.


Day 6 - was our last night and we were all getting sad that we were about to part ways.  When we are sad we take shots to bring our spirits back up…lots and lots of shots!


After our spirits were lifted we went to a bull fight in downtown Cancun.  It was such a different experience from what  I thought it was going to be.  I thought that little bull fighter men (aka matadors) just danced around to aggravate the bulls.  I had no idea that they actually kill the bulls and everyone cheers!  Crazy…Crazy…Crazy.


The trip finally came to an end.  We had such a fantastic time and enjoyed catching up with our best friends.  What a great way to celebrate our Birthdays!

Favorite Quotes/Convos from our trip:


Julie: “You have such big hands.” Charlie’s “in 25 years” twin: “Now would I not look funny with small hands.”

Charlie’s “in 25 years” twin: “We are going to be as drunk as 14 bastards!” Charlie: “14 bastards…we are going to be as drunk as 16 bastards!” Courtney: “We are going to be as drunk as 20 bastards!” Charlie’s  “in 25 years” twin: “Whoa, whoa, whoa…have you ever seen 20 drunk bastards?”

“Francisco, we need 4 Scooby Doos and 4 Supermans”

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