I married my best friend. This has probably been the hardest year on us because we have been apart for most of if. I am so glad that Doug’s third year of residency is almost over and our life can go back to normal. I am so looking forward to falling asleep every night next to the man of my dreams. Happy Anniversary Doug!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Westport, WA
This weekend Doug and I went to a little coastal town here in Washington to go Halibut fishing. Doug was so excited, but the Wednesday before we left the Charter Boat company called to tell us that the Halibut limit had been reached for the season and that we could go bottom fishing instead. We were sad that we couldn’t fish for halibut, but we were still excited to go!
We arrived in Westport on Saturday and explored the town in all of 20 minutes. There really wasn’t too much to see in the little old fishing town, so we headed back to the hotel bar. Doug was pumped to find out that they were serving $1 16oz bud lights for Military. I was glad too because then I could order more fruity drinks! We ate dinner at a little fish shack. It was good, but after too many fruity drinks I gave most of my cod to Doug.
The one good thing about not going Halibut fishing was not having to get up at 3am to make it to the boat on time. The boat left at 6:30am and for the first time I took Dramamine before getting on board. The last few times that we have gone deep sea fishing I have felt a little woozy. So I decided that I would pre medicate before this trip. The water was super choppy and the boat was rocking all around. For the first time in my life I got motion sick/seasick and was throwing up over the side of the boat. I was one of two girls on the boat and Doug me that about a third of the guys were doing the same as I was. My sweet husband went back to the cabin to get me a water, he come back with the water in one hand and him a beer in the other. I was like REALLY! I am super sick and here you are drinking a BEER! Gotta love him!
We finally made it to where we were going to fish for sea bass. The sea bass were biting and we caught our boat limit of 220 in no time. Even as we were fishing I was still getting sick off the side of the boat. Doug and I caught a few lingcod, but only one was a keeper. We came home with two big bags of codfish. It was an awesome trip, but it will be a while before I go on my next deep sea fishing trip. I will need to forget about being sea sick before returning to the sea again.
Girls Night Out
This past year I have been so thankful for Heather. She has been here to spend time with me while Doug has been gone so much during his third year of residency. Her boyfriend is in the Air Force and leaves for months at a time. We have been keeping each other company. We have dinner dates, movie dates, and my all time favorite dates…Karaoke at my house! Heather is so hilarious and keeps me on my toes not knowing what is going to come out of her mouth next. She has introduced me to her terrific circle friends. I don’t know what I would have done this past year without Heather and her group of friends.
Just a Little Yard Work
Last Spring Doug and I joined our two flower beds in the front yard. There was a little strip of grass that was in between the two that needed to be removed. I started digging up the grass and stupid me I let Doug talk me into just using the weed eater to beat the grass out of the way. When we finished the flower bed it looked really nice, but of course a year later the grass was growing up through the dirt and needed to be dug out the correct way. I made it my mission a couple of Saturdays ago to redo the bed. Only one plant that we planted last year survived and the rest I pulled up. My neighbor gave me a few rocks to toss in the flower bed to draw some of the attention away from the electrical boxes and I love them.
I planted some Gerber Daisy on the corner and I hope they make it. Stupid Slugs have started to invade them and eat away at their leaves. I put some Sluggo (slug killer) out and hopefully the slugs will leave the premises soon!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Happy Birthday Jenn!!!
This past weekend we spent celebrating my friend Jenn’s Birthday. We went north of Seattle to Tulalip, a casino/hotel. It really felt like a little mini Vegas. There were bars and clubs in the hotel and the boys enjoyed spending time in the poker room.
One of the things I was looking forward to was finding a new coach purse at the outlets that were right next door to the casino. I have been looking for a spring colored purse, but not one too terribly bright. This one is similar to the one I got…
I also found a wristlet that works perfect for when we go out. It holds my camera and phone just right. (I am too lazy to actually get out of bed to take a picture of my new purchases…so I found the closest pics online)
I brought a few decorations to hang in the room for Jenn’s Birthday celebration. As all the girls were headed out to the outlets, I told the guys how I wanted the room set up before they went down to gamble.
The food was set up just right…
The cupcakes were placed in the stand like I asked (except for the blurry picture)…
The rest went downhill… The guys took apart the streamers that were supposed to hang down in front of the door and hung it all over the room…
But when I saw how they did the streamers, I laughed a little and then said if you want anything done right you have to do it yourself…
Well I guess they did everything that I told them to do…just with a little twist.
We had a great time and can’t wait to go back!!!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Superhero Birthday Party
This weekend we celebrated Kathe’s Birthday with a superhero themed birthday party! I had the idea of going has a super tooth fairy, but once we got to looking I thought I could just be a super banana for way cheaper. I love recycling Halloween costumes. I didn’t know if Doug was going to be able to go with me until Friday night. We started brain storming and Quail Man from the Nickelodeon cartoon Doug popped in my head. Doug loved the idea and we put it all together with only two stops at two different stores. We got ready for the party and headed out. We had to stop at the grocery store to pick up Kathe’s cake. I loved seeing the look on shopper’s faces as Doug walked by. Everyone was so confused and couldn’t help but laugh. I was not brave enough to go into the store with the banana on….and even tried to walk as far away from Doug as possible…I love this guy and oh how he makes me laugh!!!
And what is a superhero birthday party without a superhero birthday cake…
I am so looking forward to having a huge margarita tomorrow to celebrate Cinco De Mayo…..after working out of course!!!!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Let’s try this again…
So it has been forever since I have blogged and I know everyone is wondering where I have been…insert hint of sarcasm here. I have been reading and following a lot of blogs lately. I have enjoyed sneaking a peek into peoples lives that I have never met…it is like the ultimate reality show. I love it when Doug looks over at the computer and asks whose picture is on the screen and I reply “I have no idea.” I am a creeper :P But hey they wouldn’t be blogging if they didn’t want people to follow them, right?
Well why I was at work today I thought I should keep up with all the crazy things that patients say to me at work and what better way then to keep up with them on here.
Funny Story #1…Last week I had this lady who hasn’t been in for a cleaning in over 3 years ask me over and over and over and over again what I was finding, while I am scrapping away at her teeth. I kept telling her I was finding stain, tarter, and plaque. I wanted to say to her, lady what do you think is in here diamonds, money, your lost puppy…you haven’t had these things cleaned in years and you obviously haven’t been taking care of them. I am finding tarter, tarter, tarter, and ummmm yes more tarter.
Funny Story #2…Well this isn’t really a funny story, but just an inside look at what we as hygienist deal with. My last patient of the day tells me that he brushes his teeth when he remembers and by the amount of crap in his mouth a toothbrush probably hasn’t been in his mouth in over a month. I want to say to people that don’t brush “how can you go so long with brushing?” I mean I brush twice a day and by the end of the day my mouth is so “fuzzy” that it is driving me crazy. So for the record, you should brush twice a day for at least two minutes and floss once a day. Please do this…I am begging you! Your teeth and your hygienist with thank you!
Funny Story #3…Today while at the gym with my friend/co-worker Lisa this young guy gets on the treadmill in the row in front of us. Lisa notices it first and she keeps looking at me and then at the guy on the treadmill. I finally get the hint and look at the guy on the treadmill and about fall off the stair climber laughing. This poor guy has either a half a roll of toilet paper or the paper seat cover (we couldn’t quite figure out which it was) hanging out the back of his shorts. I felt so bad that I was laughing at him, but I couldn’t help it. He finally noticed it when he looked in the mirror. He did a double take and quickly grabbed at the back of his shorts and puts it in his pocket. The sad thing is he didn’t get it all. He kept on running and noticed he didn’t get it all and grabbed at it again. I swear it had to have been half the roll. After about 5 minutes and 5 swipes he finally got it all! I have to give him mad props for finishing his run. I know if it were me I would have ran to the bathroom as soon as I saw the toilet paper trail coming from my butt and then probably would have called it a day.
Weekend recap to come tomorrow!