On Sunday, Doug joined my Uncle Allan and my brother Justin for some duck hunting. I am so glad that he got to tag along. He loves to hunt and I know that he has been missing out since we have been living in WA with his super busy schedule. He shot three ducks. While he was hanging with the boys, I spent time with my Nanny.
On Monday, we had Christmas with Doug's family. It was so much fun watching Henry and Bennett open their presents. When Henry opened his Bat Mobile, he was so excited. He told us, "Oh my gosh! I have always wanted this! I am not kidding! How can I ever thank you?!" It was so funny! Bennett's face was priceless as well, when he was opening all his Little People gifts. He didn't want to open anymore gifts after he opened his Little People Christmas parade. We had to open the rest of his gifts for him. Both Henry and Bennett have grown so much since we have last seen them. We are looking forward to spending a whole week in March with them in Jackson Hole, WY!
On Tuesday, Doug's Dad took us quail hunting in Alabama. Doug has taken me skeet shooting before and I didn't hit a single one. I tagged along on the hunt, just to take pictures and to be with Doug and his Dad. When we got to the hunting plantation, we shot some skeet to warm up. To everyone's surprise, I was nailing the suckers! Since I was shooting the skeet so well, I decided I would try to hunt some quail. It took me a couple of tries, but I eventually got one. After I shot it, Doug told me that I powdered it...apparently that is a good thing. The only other one that I got was a quail that landed on a tree branch. I got to shoot it out of the tree. The guys were a lot better shots then I was, and we got a grand total of 30 quail! I really had a great time...Doug was so excited that I enjoyed it. I think he already has a trip planned for us to go pheasant hunting in South Dakota...What have I gotten myself into ;)
We got to see a lot of our friends throughout the week and had a ball at Charlie and Julie's New Year's Eve party.
We have missed Atlanta and all of our friends and family, but we are enjoying our time out here in Washington. We will back in the Southeast one day, but for now we are exploring all that WA and the west coast have to offer.
I guess the pics of me weren't good...:( But thanks for not posting ugly ones!