Thank goodness the job hunt is finally over. After searching the web and dropping off resume all over I have finally found the perfect (at the moment) job. I did a working interview this week at an office that is located right down the street from the office that I work at now. I am talking so close that if I step outside I could throw a rock and hit it. I worked there on Wednesday and Thursday of this week and I am so glad that they offered me the position. I will be working Tuesday - Friday from 8 to 5, which is way better than working Monday, Friday, and Saturday from 8-7 (the days and hours that I would be working if I stayed at my current job). I am making the same pay with better hours and less patients. I see a total of 18 patients a day at my current job and my hands are about to fall off. I will only see at the most 8 patients a day at my new office and I am so glad! My hands and wrists can only take so much and I feel that they have gone through a lot already. From working my high school years at Bruster's scooping ice cream to working through college at Chili's carrying huge heavy trays, my hands and wrists have been through a lot...needless to say I am glad that I married a Doctor that is going to let me cut back on hygiene to raise babies after he gets out of residency! ;)
Last week I worked a total of 55 hours, which is a huge difference from my usual 30 hours a week. I worked on my off days doing my working interview and since I gave my two weeks notice on Friday I will have to do the same thing for the next two weeks. I will be working at both offices since my new office wanted me to start asap. I know Doug works way more than 55 hours a week, but he knew that going into medical school...I on the other hand thought that being a hygienist meant only working 4 days at the most and enjoying 3 day weekends. :)
Doug lucked out this weekend and had the whole weekend off! It was beautiful here and it is forecasted to continue through the first part of the week. I am so glad to see some blue skies with the temperature in the high 60's! So of course we spent our gorgeous Sunday skiing at Crystal Mountain! We had an awesome time. It was so pretty and warm we were loosing layers of clothing with every run that we made down the mountain. Some friends from Madigan joined us and I am glad that we could end this ski season with great friends, wonderful weather, and perfect snow!
One of these pics might be this year's Christmas can see Mt. Ranier in the background!

I love riding the slopes with people we know...

Time to start another busy week...