This past week was our last week living in Washington! It was sad to say goodbye, but we are so excited to become residents of North Carolina and move into our new house!
Madigan got all dressed up to attend her first friends birthday party! I love this little ruffle dress that my mom got her!
She is starting to take about 2 bottles a week. She can even feed herself some of those times.
It took me forever to find someone in Washington that could do my hair the way that I liked. I finally came across Kelli and I wanted to make sure to get her to do it one last time before we moved. So this is how you get your hair done with a 4 week old…
Madigan has been having tummy time now and I swear she might be crawling soon. j/k She does move her head all around and practically rolls over to her back. She will lay on her stomach for about 5-10 minutes before she is over it and wants to be back on her back.
We have been letting her take some of her naps on her tummy too. I don’t like to swaddle her every time she sleeps and her sleeping on her tummy is the only thing that makes it where she doesn’t throw her arms and legs all around to wake herself up.
While my mom was here I wanted to take her to lunch at the tea place. She says that she ate a lot of things she has never eaten before but that it was all really good. I’m going to miss having girl dates at this place.
This little girl loves to stretch! I think she might be a yoga instructor.
I can’t believe that my baby is almost a month old. It really is going by so fast. She is getting chunkier and chunkier by the second. She is almost out of her newborn diapers and newborn clothes.
For the most part she is a really easy baby! She likes to fight going to sleep and gets really mad when I don’t feed her right when she is hungry. She is starting to talk to us some and I think that she is starting to focus on us a little more. I am ready for the cross eyed stare to go away. She has the prettiest blue eyes. I don’t think they are going to be as light as Doug’s, but def. not hazel like mine.
We love this little girl to the moon and back!