Where Wrecks spends his nights...the dreaded kennel.
Where Doug puts Wrecks when he leaves for work...
He has only had two accidents inside and that was while I was in North Carolina visiting my parents. He had to spend a lot of time in his kennel and in his pen, since Doug was spending long days and nights at the hospital.
Doug did find time when I was gone to give Wrecks his first bath. He looks like a little rat.
I had a ball visiting my parents and the only thing that was missing was Doug. I finally talked my mom into getting her nails done for the first time and she was really glad that she did. She even went all out and had her toes done as well! We drove into Raleigh and rode on the Raleigh Trolley. We saw some beautiful houses and learned a lot about the capital of North Carolina. On Saturday night we went to a comedy club and had a blast. I hated to leave, but was missing both of my boys. I think Wrecks grew 5lbs while I was gone!
The Raleigh Trolley...
Riding on the Trolley...