Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Very Productive

We had another productive weekend and we have completed our list of things to have done by the time our visitors arrive. Oddly enough the first two things on our list of things to do was the last things that got done.

We finally painted the stair wall, which was something that I was dreading doing. We rented a ladder to paint a tiny space that we couldn't reach. I am officially done painting. I have painted every single room in our house!

The second thing on our list was to hang the TV in our room. Just putting in on the wall makes our room feel so much bigger!

Doug wasn't feeling well on Sunday so I fiddled around outside planting some flowers. He came out around 7 and helped me plant some big foxglove plants. I hope they do well because they are so pretty.

We are ready for Charlie and Julie to get here and anyone else that wants to come and visit come on over, because our house is all set!

I hope everyone has a great week and happy Cinco de Mayo...we will definitely be having a Margarita tonight!

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