I am going to attempt to summarize the past week and try to avoid a super long blog...so here goes.
Charlie and Julie arrived on Friday. I worked straight through lunch so I could get off early to pick them up from the airport. I left with what I thought was plenty of time to get to the airport, unfortunately traffic had other plans for me. What normally is a 45 minute drive took me over two hours! I was so glad to finally have them in the car heading back towards DuPont. We had a great time catching up. We saw Ron White on Friday and went up to Seattle on Saturday and ate at one of our favorite restaurants in Seattle the Crab Pot. Their visit was too short and we hope that they can visit again soon!

On Monday we left for our Anniversary trip to Puerto Vallerta.

After a super long plane ride we finally made it to our awesome hotel. We checked out our room, Doug checked out the mini bar, and then we headed down to the swim up bar in the pool.

Charlie and Julie arrived on Friday. I worked straight through lunch so I could get off early to pick them up from the airport. I left with what I thought was plenty of time to get to the airport, unfortunately traffic had other plans for me. What normally is a 45 minute drive took me over two hours! I was so glad to finally have them in the car heading back towards DuPont. We had a great time catching up. We saw Ron White on Friday and went up to Seattle on Saturday and ate at one of our favorite restaurants in Seattle the Crab Pot. Their visit was too short and we hope that they can visit again soon!
On Monday we left for our Anniversary trip to Puerto Vallerta.
After a super long plane ride we finally made it to our awesome hotel. We checked out our room, Doug checked out the mini bar, and then we headed down to the swim up bar in the pool.
Going to an all inclusive resort is by far the best way to travel. We enjoyed amazing food at 4 different restaurants.
Our favorite one was Kyoto, the Japanese restaurant that we ate at on Tuesday. Doug loved the sushi, which is really shocking because he doesn't even like sushi...until now. Doug also loves hot sake...
We never really needed to leave the resort...everything came to us. Every night there was a different themed show.
We enjoyed taking walks on the beach after dinner...attempting to walk off the ton of food that we just ate.
On Wednesday we started the day off bright and early at 6am to head to the marina for an all day deep sea fishing adventure.
We rode about 2 hours out to sea and fished around for about 4 hours before making our way back. It was actually a lot more fun than I expected it to be, maybe because we were actually catching something. We hooked about 7 fish, but only brought 3 on board.
The first one to be hooked was a yellow tail, which was released before I could get any pictures of it.
Doug reeled it in and the next one that we caught was supposed to be mine, but when it was flying out of the water when it was first hooked, I told Doug he could reel this one in.
Turns out it was a huge sailfish which looks a lot like a marlin but, with a bigger fin on top.
It took Doug a few minutes to reel it in and when they finally got it on board Doug had a huge smile on his face. I was so glad that we caught something. I was afraid that we were going to be out all day and not catch a single thing.
I spent the day enjoying the scenery from the boat.
The next fish was mine to reel in and I was really a little nervous.
I did not want to touch it because I thought that it was going to stick me with his nose.
On Thursday we relaxed on the beach, walked to the flea market, and I got a much needed massage. We enjoyed the views that our hotel had to offer.
We saw this creature as we were walking to the flea market. It was kinda stuck, head first in the sand.
The sun just sucks out all of your energy.
We had such beautiful sunsets...
This was before one of the themed shows...I was wearing an Elvis wig.
Here we are in the piano bar...very few people at the hotel due to the swine flu...lucky for us.
On Friday we went snorkeling on a party cruise.
This is Los Arcos where we went snorkeling...very pretty fish, but I enjoyed the snorkeling on our honeymoon a lot better. The Pacific Ocean is a little murky.
After snorkeling we went on a short hike to a gorgeous waterfall.
We had a ball climbing the waterfall and sliding down.
It was a great place to cool off.
I know that I have already said it but...Our Hotel Was Awesome!!!
We were so sad to leave :(
We had a long flight back home with a 5 hour lay over in San Fran. Doug tried his best to get some shut eye.
After sleeping in on Sunday I was greeted with breakfast in bed. Since Doug is on call next Saturday we decided to celebrate our Anniversary yesterday. We had breakfast in bed, ate some of our delicious wedding cake for lunch, and went out to dinner.
Our wedding cake tasted just as good as it did the day of our wedding. Thanks Valerie and Judd for keeping it in your freezer and thanks Charlie and Julie for bringing it with them.
I know that I said that I was going to try and keep this short...sorry!!!