Friday, August 16, 2013

Life with Baby week 9

We had a very productive weekend. My mom and dad came down to visit Madigan and of course I had to put them to work. My dad put handles and knobs on all of the cabinets in the house. It really makes the kitchen seem more complete.

They helped us hang curtains and decorations in 4 different rooms. I know this is silly, but because this is done I can sleep a little better at night. One more thing off the to do list! Now on to finding curtains and rugs for the downstairs.
I am so glad that Madigan is a great shopper because I can only stay home so many days in a row. I have to stay home most days because if I didn't then we would go broke. I am still searching for decor items for our house.
I can only shop in 3 hour increments. I have to be at a stopping point to nurse Madigan.
I have her nursing every three hours. I thought that I had her on a good schedule starting at 6am and ending at 9pm. But she has decided other wise. I put her to sleep after nursing her at 9pm. I am so thankful that she always falls right to sleep when I lay her in her crib. Instead of sleeping until six, this last week she has been waking up hungry between 3 and 4. I nurse her and lay her back down. She nurses again between 6 and 7 depending on when she decides to wake up. After she nurses I put her back in her crib and go run on our new treadmill. This week I have ran 4 out of 5 days! Yay...go me! I nurse her again at 9 and every three hours after that. She has been sleeping a lot during the day lately...she must be going through a growing phase.
This week Madigan turned two months old!!! Time is flying by. She is such a happy baby.

I almost cried this week when I put an outfit on her and it fit. The last time she wore it, it swallowed her up. I am trying not to hold her all day, but I know the day is going to come when she won't want me to/let me.

The last if the furniture that we ordered came on Wednesday. I think that the china cabinet is my new favorite thing. As soon as I could I filled it with all my china. I am so excited about displaying it!!

I'm really happy with the kitchen table as well.

Doug loves holding his little girl too. And she always looks super comfy in his arms.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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